
特洛伊储蓄银行慈善基金会中庭, 位于马文图书馆学习共享地, 全年举办本地和全国展览.

所有的展品都对校园社区和公众开放 图书馆正常工作时间.



展出的还有: 5月10日星期三- 9月10日星期五. 15, 2023

像素和炼金术 is a 教师/alumni exhibition curated by Digital Media Assistant Professor Kyra Garrigue.

The exhibition features the work of Assistant Professor of Digital Media Justin Baker and Digital Media alumni Alison Bachorik. Both artists expand upon the notion of traditional photography by incorporating alternative processes, 数字处理和de/重建过程的图像. The exhibition will close with a talk by both artists in the Fall semester on a date to be announced.




NAEYC幼儿周标志展出的还有: 2023年3月30日(星期四)- 4月14日(星期五

In coordination with the Education and Social Science Department activities recognizing the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Week of the Young Child, the library exhibit highlights books and other resources in a whimsical display created by library senior clerk Christina Parnell.


全国诗歌月标志展出的还有: 2023年4月17日星期一至5月5日星期五



展出的还有: 2023年3月1日(星期三)- 3月23日(星期四



展出的还有: 周二,1月. 2月17日-星期五. 24, 2023

为了表彰博士. 马丁·路德·金. 日和黑人历史月, 一年一度的展览以书籍和其他材料为特色, as well as posters and educational artifacts from the collections of the library, 这是对历史的认可, 美国黑人和民权斗争的挑战和胜利.


展出的还有: 星期四,11月. 12月10日-星期五. 16, 2022

The 11th annual Pride of Our Nation…Pride of Our College exhibition will feature photographs of students, 教师, 工作人员, 还有他们的亲戚和祖先, 谁曾经或现在在美国武装部队服役. Artifacts will also be on display as well as an “In Memoriam” wall dedicated to those veterans and active duty personnel who have passed away between 11月ember 2021 and 10月ober 2022.

Día de Muertos:祭坛展览

展出的还有: 星期三,10月. 11月19日-星期四. 3, 2022

In celebration of Day of the Dead, a Día de Muertos Altar Exhibit will be on display. 亡灵节是墨西哥的传统节日,每年11月11日庆祝. 1 when families create elaborate altars to honor their departed loved ones and ancestors.


星期六,9月. 9月17日-星期六. 24, 2022

Libraries nationwide recognize 禁书周 to promote freedom to read and awareness of censorship. Dwight Marvin 图书馆’s display features not only books from the collection that have been banned elsewhere, 但也有一些特色游戏的挑战历史.


周一,11月. 12月1日-周二. 7, 2021

Col. 伯爵B. 勋伯格,小., 沃特弗利特兵工厂的第61指挥官, 是“我们国家的骄傲……我们学院的骄傲?,” the 10th exhibition of military photographs and memorabilia loaned by 教师, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职员工和学生. The exhibit is an ever-changing collection of photographs and varied memorabilia of veterans and active military service members with a connection to the college.


周一,8月. 9月30日-星期四. 30, 2021

由9/11纪念馆策划的14个展板展览 & Museum for the 20th anniversary of the attack in the United States on 9/11/2001 is on display.

展览使用了档案图像, 工件摄影, and individual stories that accompany explanatory text which give visitors a deeper understanding of a key moment in modern American history. 海报展览是由9/11纪念馆开发的 & Museum and has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom.

有关支持资料,请浏览 http://libguides.kiaabs.net/sept11


周六,11月. 12月9日-星期六. 7, 2019


第九届摄影展, 文档, medals and other memorabilia related to veterans and active service personnel with a connection to 哈德逊山谷社区学院 with a special focus on World War 1, 它在100年前的11月11日结束了. 11, 1918.

Día de Muertos:祭坛展览

周一,10月. 11月14日-星期一. 4, 2019


In celebration of Day of the Dead 2019, a Día de Muertos Altar Exhibit will be on display. 亡灵节是墨西哥的传统节日,每年11月11日庆祝. 1 when families create elaborate altars to honor their departed loved ones and ancestors.


周三,8月. 9月21日-星期一. 30, 2019

由视觉艺术家Natasha Holmes拍摄的一系列照片, 呀呀学语 focuses on present day consumerism and invites viewers to ponder the significance of so much "stuff,“很多很快就被丢弃了.


星期天,11月. 12月11日-星期五. 7, 2018

第八届摄影展, 文档, medals and other memorabilia related to veterans and active service personnel with a connection to 哈德逊山谷社区学院 with a special focus on World War 1, 它在100年前的11月11日结束了. 11, 1918.


星期三,10月. 11月24日-星期六. 3, 2018

Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a traditional Mexican holiday celebrated on 11月. 1 when families create elaborate altars to honor their departed loved ones and ancestors. 祭坛上装饰着骷髅, 骷髅糖, 鲜花和蜡烛, and offerings of food and drink that the family members had enjoyed in their earthbound lives. 马陆本顿, 英语副教授, 外语与英语为第二语言系, 将设计祭坛.


8月. 9月20日. 28, 2018

奥尔巴尼的本地人和终身居民, 马克·凯利创造光明, 彩色场景与丙烯酸和大理石般的图案与丙烯酸, Flotrol和硅油. His images are featured in the fall 2018 brochure listing the college's Voices: A 图书馆 Lecture Series.

Questar III高中陪审团艺术展

2018年4月9日- 27日

绘画, 图纸, video and sculpture by high school students representing 23 school districts in Rensselaer, 哥伦比亚县和格林县参加了第29届年度展览.


1月. 2018年3月22日至2日

胡安·马尔多纳多的作品展, a native of Puerto Rico who studied in Europe and was greatly influenced by the works of Leonardo DaVinci. 在纽约市, Maldonado developed his specialty in portraiture and reportedly completed 400-plus commissions. He was artist-in-residence at the Bronx Museum and an advocate for Latino artists, 帮助创立了20世纪60年代的纽yorican运动. After a long and brilliant career, Maldonado died in Vega Alta, PR in December 2016. The serigraphs on display are courtesy of the Juan Maldonado Estate and the Martinez Gallery in Troy.

一切必要的照顾 & 注意:乔治·华盛顿 & 医学

1月. 8 - 2月. 16, 2018

This traveling exhibit from the National 图书馆 of 医学 explores the story of George Washington's personal health and examines the ways in which he sought to safeguard the health and wellness of his family, 工作人员, 奴隶, 和军队. The six-panel display illuminates the broader context of the experience of illness and the practice of medicine in Washington's time. This exhibition was developed and produced by the National 图书馆 of 医学, 国立卫生研究院和乔治·华盛顿的弗农山庄, 博物馆及花园.


11月. 9 - 12月. 7, 2017


第七届摄影展, 文档, medals and other memorabilia related to veterans and active service personnel with a connection to 哈德逊山谷社区学院. 更多的...


10月. 11 - 11月. 2, 2017

VISIÓN功能&W photographs by and of Latino immigrants working at the Saratoga Race Course and throughout the community. The photography project and exhibit are sponsored by the Latino Community Advocacy Program of the Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council.


8月. 28 - 10月. 6, 2017

数码影像展览, graphic design and photography created by alumni of the college's Digital Media program.

Questar III高中评审艺术展开幕

2017年4月3日- 28日

绘画, 图纸, video and sculpture by 30 students representing 23 school districts in Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene counties are included in this 28th annual art exhibition.


11月. 10 - 12月. 7, 2016

第六届摄影展, 文档, medals and other memorabilia related to veterans and active service personnel with a link to 哈德逊山谷社区学院.


